Darwinia Network
Darwinia Network provides a light client-based, programmable, universal cross-chain message network for dapp developers.
  • Fintech
Use cases
  • Decentralized Storage
  • DeFi
  • Reconciliation
Solution Overview

Darwinia Network is an open cross-chain bridge protocol based on the substrate. Darwinia network provides decentralized token exchange, exchange, and marketplace and allows single-chain applications to be upgraded to cross-chain versions, including defi, game, dex, and nft marketplace. Darwinia focuses on the construction of the future internet oftokens, including decentralized token swaps, exchanges, and markets.

Solution Benefits
  • Decentralized Token Exchange
Key Features
  • Programmable
  • No
Company Information
  • Central Region, Singapore
  • AI
  • Ondrej Gazda
Price Range
  • Undisclosed